Collecting Kernels w/ Pastige
1. The Durutti Column * Or Are You Just A Technician + Paean To Wilson (Chant) °Factory Recordings°
2. Squarepusher * Iambic 5 Poetry °Warp°
3. Mr. IRL * Emotional Response (Int. 2) °Lightweight Electronics°
4. K.S. Eden * ... In Open Country°STROOM°
5. Dylan Henner * Two Trains Came Through the Station At Once and It Felt like a Hurricane°AD93°
6. Dices * Drawing A Blank°Voiceless°
7. Jonas Friedlich * Pow°Private Persons°
8. Reymour * Un Chien de Brigands °Un Ptit Caf?°
9. Naked Beast * Ports of Hell °Guitars And Bongos°
10. Fever Ray * Keep The Streets Empty For Me°Rabid Records°
11. Veslemes * Planeta°Macadam Mambo°
12. Babiah 8000 * Control °Worst Records°
13. Kuedo * Boundary Regulation (Original Mix) °Knives°
14. L.F.T. * Manon °Osare! Editions°