Ugne & Maria
Ugne & Maria is a collaboration between Marija Rasa Kudabaite and Ugne Vyliaudaite. The duo is originally from Lithuania but now resides in Belgium. Their musical output began in 2016 with a live debut in Brussels and continued with various experimentations using violin, synthesisers and sampling techniques. Their compositions revolve around down-tempo as well as dance-orientated approach, including multilayering composing principles and improvisation.
Richard H. Kirk - The Feeling (Of Warmth & Beauty)
O Yuki Conjugate - Manoases
Bourbonese Qualk - Quiet
RAMZi - Spring Emu
Ora Clementi - Dialogue Between a Grandmaster of the Knights Hospitaller and a Genoese Sea-Captain
Senga & Ferreira - Take The Evil Spirits Away
Sepehr - Eternity's Artifice
Black Merlin - Tutur
Panasonic - Muslimgauze (Remix 1)
Luke Vibert - Arsehall 125bpm
Skee Mask - Nvivo
Walrus - RMC1976 (HIELE remix)
Fizzy Veins - Darts Champ
Richenel - Autumn (Alt Version)