Anterior Insula
The anterior insular cortex is believed to be responsible for emotional feelings, including maternal and romantic love, anger, fear, sadness, happiness, sexual arousal, disgust, aversion, indignation, uncertainty, social exclusion, trust, empathy, sculptural beauty, a ‘state of union with God’, and hallucinogenic states.
Gen Ken Montgomery - Subliminal Clutter, Part 2
You'll Never Get To Heaven - Pattern Waves
Brannten Schnüre - Schweiss
Shriekback - Coelocanth
Ulla Strauss - Falling Water Lullaby
Turn On The Sunlight - Horizon
Dylan Henner - Exton
Ocean Moon - Rainbow Vortex
Todd Barton - Touching The Electrons
Aylu - I
Rachel Langlais - En brasier
Gen Ken Montgomery - Birds & Machines (Machine Suite)
Ayn Il Widen - The permeable border
Rhucle feat. Moss Covered Technology - Beyond The Light
Chantal Michelle - Rupture
Ocean Moon - Radiant Space
1Fireworks again