Outsiders: Demord Enregistrements
Demord Enregistrements presents three different mixes by the label’s crew - Delphine Demord, Riposte & Perte de Charge. Expect some hot news from friends and other french labels, weirdo electronics tunes, emotional ambient and guitar songs.
0:00 : Delphine Demord
Èlg - Fontanelles
Yeun Elez - The Preacher
Assid - Accès aux Plans Subtils de L' Etre
Air LQD - Us plus them equals we (Jihem Rita remix)
Material - Silent Land
Alien Sex Friend - Believe it or not
Afar - Rational Ecstasy
Coil - Simenon (Extra Long)
Gaznevada - When the music is over
38:00 : Riposte
Spacemen 3 - unlock circle
Dali Daru and the polyphonic swarms - Danube dwellers
Boyd rice - people
Absent music - akahito
Coil - who ll fail
The hogs - loose lip sync ship
Bathroom renovations- apathetic hell
The feelies - loveless
1:20:00 : Perte de Charge
YR20 - The endless winter
Adarcah - mass
Ambulatorio Segreto - Aperto
Absent Music - The Monkey House
Société étrange - Chance
Hymn - I can
??? - ???
Savant - Stationary Dance
Alesia Cosmos - First Funk
18 inch screen - 18 inch screen