Outsiders: Nous'klaer w/ Memories through Melodies by Yb3L
"Recently, my parents moved from Amsterdam to a quiet village away from the city and therefore also away from where I grew up. Before, my childhood always felt close and tangible, just visiting my parents, walking through the old neighbourhood and it's like you've never left.
It sometimes feels crazy that that time will never come back but through music I often bring this feeling back a little. So this has become the theme of my mix, a kind of ode to that time, with music I got to know through my parents. All this in a 'modern' jacket to suit me as Yb3L"
Catchupa Guizod - Kems Kriol
Dogma - Objekt + Aria Math - C418
Barune (Mystic Frog) - Taras Bulba + There Ain’t Nothing It’s Just Pai... - Lorn
Isaias Thunder - A Strange Wedding + The Little Fete - Vangelis [1979]
Stay Let’s Together - Lurka + Simplicity Mind Tool - Ami Dang
Timbo’s March - Mm + Fink vs Dj Ali-cat - Fink [2000]
Sheveck’s Theory - Flytipper
Don’t - Batu
Air Portrait - Tristan Arp
Detraction - Stenny
Even There - Batu
Narcissus - Herman
Grasha Razz - Isabassi
Tons Sem - Toma Kami & Sene
A Forest - The Cure [1970]
Wrong places - Jack Zade + 22 (OVER SooooN) - Bon Iver
Included short snippets
00:00 - 00:56 Mama - Zucchero [2004]
07:59 - 09:00 Heaven’s Only Wishful - MorMor
26:14 - 27:41 Money for Nothing - Dire Straits [1985]
45:33 - 47:30 A place - Nils Frahm