Collecting Kernels w/ Pastige
On Collecting Kernels, Pastige traverses a wide spectrum of DIY-inspired music: from ambient meditative spaces to intimate bedroom creations and unhinged dance material, nothing's off the table. Artwork by Arne Nuyts and Elisa Wij
Taras Boulba * Peyote Moon °Stroom°
Eirwud Mudwasser * Sabat °Snaker°
Fatal Microbes * Violence Grows °Optimo Music°
Snakefinger * The Man In The Dark Sedan °Ralph Records°
Rudolf Abramov * Fragments of a Marching Stone °Optimo Music°
Naomie Klaus * Network Junkies °Osare! Editions°
Veslemes * Glass Eye False Perspective °Macadam Mambo°
IILUXIIMORD * Crime Scene °Demord Enregistrements°
Elko B * Aurelia °Ekster°
Freundliche Kreisel * Hängengeblieben °Stroom°
Kabal * Entering The Vampire Castle °Dalmata Daniel°
Modern Ruin * Like A Rat °Lurid Music°
Anatolian Weapons * Higher Planes °People & Places°
E-Bony * Leader °Dalmata Daniel°
Killing Joke * I Am The Virus Apocalyptic Dub Remix By Youth °Spinefarm Records°