Royal Surfclub w/ VicX
Kiosk Radio is an online community radio streaming 24/7 from a wooden shack in the heart of Brussels’ historic “Parc Royal”. More info and music: https://kioskradio.com
1. holy ghost - 4 am
2. double batch - KVLR
3. Treiber - baugruppe90
4. The navigator - KVLR
5. Ace up the sleeve - disguised
6. Kies - requiem
7. Terrene - paul laurens
8. Rage (soft mix)- dj disrespect
9. What 2 do (kvlr’s never stop the funk edit) - can 7
10. Know what youre worth - janis zielinski
11. Svg - who are you
12. Bliss factory - premiere ferdinger
13. Saturday night - whighfield ( versus)
14. Bang juice - lucinee
15. Strategic love - proxyma
16. Bad guy - vilchezz
17. Rage - versus
18. Quench & temper - stef de haan