Outsiders: Objects & Sounds w/ Ali Safi
Objects & Sounds' next guest is Ali Safi, who runs the Toronto-based label Marionette. He weaves together a tapestry of dreamy atmospheres and body-possessing rhythms in an hour-long mix.
Ali shares: "I picked some of my recent favorites and some older staples, and I tried to mix them like I always would: spontaneously and meticulously all at once."
Enno Velthuys - Crystal River (Exart 1987, Dead Mind Records 2022)
Jake Muir - Reservoir Of Memory (Sferic 2020)
Ariel Kalma - What Would You Say (RVNG 2014)
Tomaga - Reverie For Fragile Houseplants (Hands in the Dark 2021)
Sabla + Đ.K. - Waterflow (Worship 2022)
Pretty Sneaky - C (Mana 2020)
Pataphysical - Hypotyposis (Good Morning Tapes 2022)
Kettenkarussell - Intro (Giegling 2018)
Haramia Tapes - Shadows Blooming (Baroque Sunburst 2021)
Ulla - I Think My Tears Have Become Good (Experiences ltd 2020)
Andrea Belfi - Roteano (Miasmah 2014)
Uwalmassa - Belit (Mana 2022)
Park Jiha, Roy Claire Potter - Piri & Yanggeum For A flooded Town (Otoroku 2022)
Mitar Subotić, Goran Vejvoda - Dream III (Lugar Alto 2022)
Donato Dozzy & Daniele di Gregorio - Sessione 4 (Maga Circe Musica 2021)
Domenique Dumont - People On Sunday (Leaf 2020)