Outsiders: Lucyna Records w/ szkoda
szkoda is a professional internet fan (and music producer) who actively engages in promoting equality in the polish club scene and supports local music and visual collectives.
„szkoda życia” is a multifaceted journey through the depths of a creative visionary's imagination. the fascination with emotional noise and drone music intersects unabashedly with various incarnations of dance music, such as dubstep and polish garage. this hour-long live set comprises both released and previously unreleased tracks, as well as dusty fragments tucked away in the drawer.
szkoda - petrichoir [unreleased]
szkoda - is no answer.heic [unreleased]
szkoda - ~~~ [unreleased]
szkoda - błoto [unreleased]
szkoda - orientuj się [unreleased]
szkoda - [google] daydream view [unreleased]
szkoda - wnykowiska [unreleased]
szkoda - ra-tings bonanza [lucyna records]
szkoda - the flour is yours [unreleased]
szkoda - terra [unreleased]
natalie schchepanskiye erotic pleasure - napuchł i uciska płuca
szkoda - mortal kombat rework