Outsiders: Chouf - Harp Special
David Chouferbad dedicates this month's show to the the mysterious sound of the harp !
Frederic Talgorn - les Doigts de Mercure
Brother Ah - Motherless Child
Malvasia - Arcobaleno
Kristen Nogues - Marc'H Gouez
Gwalarm - Megarje Bout
Kadwallac'h - Batelier du Sommeil
Eric Le Collen - Aurore des Morts
Kadwallac'h - Voyage
Anne et Gilles -Si Je Meurs
Heather jones - Can I janis
Kip Setchko - Breathe
Gwalarm - Castle Kelly
Kristen Nogues - Pinvidik Eo Va C'hemener
Kristen Nogues - Hirness An Devezhiou
Eau Vive - Laucher Tango