Sarah Jones
In Sarah Jones' world, coincidences do not exist; every sound has a purpose. Her intricately-designed soundscapes aim to pull you inwards, providing respite from an intense world, or perhaps connecting you to your own for just a moment. She mixes ambient synths and spaced-out grooves with left-field beats and moody electronica to symbolise the co-existence of light and dark that is the human experience.
Sarah Jones - Ode2white
Andre3000- The slang word p*ssy rolls off the tongue with far better ease
Rival Consoles - The Giant swing
Supreems - Yunnan
Modal resonator - Fingers of God
Sp mc - kenshin
Airhead - Moonrock
Anthony Willis- Spit roast
Two Shell- Fracture
Diffused Signal - Joon
Sarah Jones - In Ten Cities
Oceanic - Yellow Cone - Solo
Dj ojo - Precise device
Felix K - Flower of distruction#4
Skee mask- Untitled 279
Sarah Jones - Avoidant Attachm3nt