UNBURDENED BONES w/ Lazzaro & Zemlya
Where the ethereal and earthly coincide.
Die Nahtanznummer, Teil 2 - Bohren & der Club of Gore
Earth - Zemlya
Part III. Cowbell, Bicycle Wheels And Vibes - Psychic TV
Bending to the Lash - Horse Lords
Generation - Liturgy
Scorpion - Jarboe
Mjertvo pole. Place - Darja Kazimira & Dagmar Gertot
Tanz Debil - Einstürzende Neubauten
Shaking Hell - Sonic Youth
I Crawled - Swans
Frightened of Myself - Daphne Oram
Transit - Miranda Sex Garden
Demons - Chelsea Wolfe (live at Roadburn)
A Spell for the Present Moment - Beverly Glenn-Copeland