Outsiders: Bureau B w/ Isa Schwarzenberg & Daniel Jahn
For the May episode of their monthly Outsiders residency, Isa Schwarzenberg & Daniel Jahn from Hamburg’s Bureau B bring us an early summer spirit through leftfield thrusts.
The ecstasy of industrial landscapes contrasted with delicate softness and paranormal chants on an answering machine. As usual, the two present both classics and novelties from the label catalog and beyond.
Anne Gillis - Zilovea
Valentina Magaletti - And There Is Us
Conrad Schnitzler - Slow Motion 8
Brannten Schnüre - Urin Deiner Blüten I
Conny Frischauf - Röte
Cluster - Marzipan
Cukor Bila Smert - Argolida (Part VI)
Double X Project - Ornament & Crime
Pyrolator - Blick durch eine Zeitlupe
Grykë Pyje - Cavern of Morphing Stones
The Starseeds - Sonne Mond und Sterne
Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg - Das Gruselschiff des kleinen Fritz
Che Vuoi - Jasmin
Don King - Obsolescence
Popol Vuh - Brüder des Schattens
Aeson Zervas - Χωρίς τίτλο 2
Sternpost - Dim City Raincoat
Nový Svět - Ciudacanta
Paranormale Stimme auf dem Anrufbeantworter (1999)
Müde Diamanten - Unthinking