Outsiders: System Failure - Aural Technologies of Care w/ Laura Balboa
In today’s episode, System Failure explores the work of women and queer folks in Mexico’s electronic experimental music scene, through a conversation with Laura Balboa, Zapotec interaction designer, independent researcher, radio producer and media artist.
ZGAMU – Tærdrop
Alina Maldonado - RRRR
Iraís Fernández - Nightmare
Alicia Urreta- Isle Of The Snake People
Verónica Mota Galindo - I Shall Sing Until My Land Is Free
Kamila_Govorcin – Helicoide
Carolina Segura – Noissanova
Alma Laprida – Piazza
Cecilia Moodz - Palpitaciones
CNDSD - In Tongues/Primal Urge
Daniela Solís – PASSAIC
Laura Luna Castillo - Expression Distillation
Mabe Fratti - Dirección + Concepción Huerta
Alejandra Cardenas - Sublime y repulsive
Alina Maldonado – IV
Marianne Teixido - s.booty