Outsiders: Demord Enregistrements w/ Gakona & Riposte
One high in the mountains, the other high in the suburbs, each mixing ambient, industrial, traditional songs and dub.
Voices are children from French national archives (INA).
Coil - indolol,3-[2(dimethylamino)ethyl],phosphate ester (psilocybin)
INA - Children talking about 2000
Dimanda Galas and Hal Wilner - Eclipse featuring Leonard Cohen
Red Krayola - Hurricane Fighter Plane (Alternate Stereo Mix)
Kosa - For Dance
Singers and Players - Autobiography (feat. Prince Far I)
Dead Can Dance - Indus
Emmanuelle Parrenin - Belle Virginie
Wim Mertens - Tourtour (the roman forum)
Bo Harwood - A Woman Composite Themes
Coil - Indolol, 3-[2(dimethylamino)ethyl],phosphate ester (psilocybin)
Glaxo Babies - Who Killed Bruce Lee (version)
Annelies Monseré - Januari
CHBB - La Petite Mort
Klaus Schønning - Tordenskyen
Klaus Schulze -Tango - Saty
African Head Charge - Drums Of Defiance
Les Gars De La Flûte - Loudun
Pink Floyd - Set the control for the heart of the Sun
Atom Cristal & Satellite - JP X08
Celestine Ukwu & His Philosophers National - Obialu Be Onye Abiagbunia Okwukwe
Pierre Vasiliu - Spiderman
Gnonnas Pedro et Ses Dadjes - La musique en vérité
Francis Bebey - Binta madiallo
Pierre Bastien - Avid Diva
François de Roubaix - Les dunes d'Ostende
Eno, Moebius, Roedelius - The Belldog
Modern Art - "Fatal Crash Immersed The Start"
Passarani - Phonok
RZA / Old Dirty Bastard - Baby c'mon (LP instrumental)
Creation Rebel & The New Age Steppers - Chemical Specialist
Pan Sonic - Ããnipãã
Powel - 09 (Karl O'Connor Remix)