Matthias Orsett
Matthias Orsett is a winemaker and a DJ from Switzerland. You may have heard of him already as he was, with Maxi Fischer, outsiders residents with his label Décalé Records. On the occasion of a winefair called Grrrabuge, Matthias took the chance to pass by and play one hour at the Kiosk!
Nada - Earth Garden
Zeb - No Martyrs
Mannix Lee - Body Talk
G.Rizo - Je Me Mentis
B-Cloud - Predictor
Lo Phat Hi-Fi - Space Fritters
Banco De Gaia - Desert Wind
Zillas On Acid - Yes She Dub
Julius Papp - East East
Somaton - Future Memories
The Voodooists - Damballah 2000
A Positive Life - The Calling