Cowgirlboy w/ Eric Kinny
A one-hour monthly show presenting rare Country & Western music, sometimes from the vault of Cowgirlboy Records and Cattle Records -two labels dedicated to preserve and present recordings from the 1930s, 40s and 50s-sometimes from other imprints, but everytime full of surprises. Presented by Brussels label Santé Loisirs.
The TNT Singers - I'm Going Home
Sharon Gentry - Should A Gentleman Offer A Lady
Ben Hinds - Have A Country Christmas
Bailey Anderson - That's How A Woman's Supposed To Be
Dave & Bonnie Harry - Stardust
Don White - Saving Up Memories
The Don Sohl Trio - Something You Want To Try
Bob Shockley - She Loves Texas
Kim Evans & The Country Express - My Man In Tennessee
Kenny Post - Truckin' Fever
Phil Hoskins - I'll Soon Be Gone
Ben Harrison - Getting Bald Going Barefoot
Dave & Bonnie Harry - Welcome To My World
Don Lewis - Money Talks
Eric Vaughan & The Frontiersmen - Gota Hear That Country
Swampwater - Take A City Bride
Sherwin Linton - The Baby's Cryin'
Dave Eickenruth & Boon - Eagle
Cal Cavendish - Poplar Firewood
Dave & Bonnie Harry - Lida Rose
Dave & Bonnie Harry - On The Road Again