Outsiders: Customs
Cold comfort for Customs’s 12th Outsiders show. Drift into the new week with glacial ease. Winter selections of tender folk surrounded by frosty ambient, minimal wave and a temperature low enough to see your breath.
01. Vessel - Crowd Control
02. Voyage Futur - Earthworks
03. Coby Sey - Nile
04. Empress - All Is New Glow
05. Annelies Monseré - One I Love
06. Pan-American - Code
07. Paul St Hilaire & René Löwe - Faith (No Vox Mix)
08. james k - Hypersoft Lovejinx Junkdream
09. Shabason / Gunning - Sea Ices
10. Thick Pigeon - Subway
11. Delph - Lowness
12. Audrey Carmes - Un Temps
13. Slow Attack Ensemble - Melting Ice
14. Silvania - Eva Sobre Eva