Unburdened Bones w/ Lazzaro and guests aspires to take you on a trip while training the senses, turning the kiosk into a open space for experiments with sound, voice, the poetry of daily life, spheres and shivers, tape machines or whatever objects you like. Tune into the intimate room where the lights of noise and silence can coincide, try to abide in your bones as they are borne on the wind, neither warm nor cold, both awake and asleep. They won't bite.
On Land - Zemlya (digital/tape mix)
Raudive Rain - Lovely Midget
Regenritmes - Lazzaro (tape loop)
Helt på tvers om - Smerz, GAEA
on stochastic wave behavior- iv. nalukai - Leilehua Lanzilotti
Salve Regina - Arvo Pärt, Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Christopher Bowers-Broadbent, Paul Hillier
Encore de nuit - Arve Henriksen
The Star’s Gone Out - The Third Eye Foundation
note on you - perila
environs 1 - Meredith Monk
Tap Your Shoes - Kristin Oppenheim
Sixfold Wilted Rose - Minua (tape sampling)
Speed Learn - TOMAGA
What's Tonight To Eternity - Cindy Lee
Ocharme Ochgod - Venediktos Tempelboom
Gregorian Chants (tape sampling)
Kvenland - Arve Henriksen
my love is like a red, red rose - Michael Finnissy
Das weitgereiste Weißbrot - Graneg Sandpapier (tape sampling)
The Hills are Crying - Clarissa Connelly
Donald Crowhurst - The Third Eye Foundation