dia beat
dia beat’s musical exploration is based on adolescent memories, emotional abysses, and melancholic curiosity. Their sets taste of hugs, tears and hope that things can get better. A project by S. Pellanda (Bern, CH), co-founder of Fishnet Collective and multidisciplinary artist divided between graphic design, writing and music.
samlrc - The Beauty Of The Present Moment
deary - The Drift
mourning star - decatur
chiaroscuro - Città Invisibili
Wisp - Tangled dreams
Half String - A Fascination With Heights
Caro V - Spectral
Kush K - Humble in your Highspeed
Tre Flip, Yumeia - stanza senza luce
Flynn Fante - slowgaze
QUBINOIX - Space Debris
plaaaato - Що робити
corn wave - mawowa
Hank - Angel Says
Candy Claws - Into the Deep Time (One Sun)
Robber Robber - Seven Houses
Mistress - let's go to that place where we burn our eyes and tell each other lies
Con Dolore - A Snowy 3 Miles
golfjugo - puppy bandage