Outsiders: Zentralwäscherei w/ Gūsū
Gūsū is the collaborative project of Xueyan Chen and Nicolas Balmer, weaving experimental ambient textures through electronics and strings. The duo emerged during the curation of Zentralwäscherei’s 2022 festival, with both Yan and Nico being active members of the association.
This mix offers a glimpse into their forthcoming album, the ending was a typical part, set for release on April 4th via the Zurich-based label Subject to Restrictions Disc. Alongside selections from the album, they trace their deep engagement with electronic and analogue music—both individually and as a duo—while sharing tracks that have shaped their sonic landscape.
Gūsū - Liúyì Wǒde Xūqiú
Gūsū - 兰亭春
Gūsū - 镜子后面的幽灵
Gūsū - Did You Ever Tried To Write
Gūsū- 垂柳戏水
Gūsū - Rural
CC Christy - 瑶族舞曲
Oren Ambarchi - Remedios The Beauty
Monoton - Monotonprodukt 02
Onra - Chinoiseries Pt.2
Gūsū - Resist
Gūsū - Where The Shores Whisper
Gūsū - 秋叶呢喃
Gūsū - Kraut Extract Nr. 3